Thursday, April 26, 2007

"I'd Buy That For A Dollar!"

I can't believe the absolute shit that people will buy because it's cheap.

While Boy#1 was in Preschool today, Boy#2 and I went browsing around town.

The old mall has been taken over and is in the midst of being re-vamped with a brand new look. There's been some new stores opening in there, and I thought we'd take a gander at what's going on. (I don't go downtown that often anymore, so most of the shops in there are new to me.)

While we were checking out the area, I heard someone comment that the "Dollarama" is open at the other end of the mall. I still had an hour to kill, so I thought that Boy #2 and I would check it out. I might get him a new toy for a couple of bucks.

I walked into madness.

The place was jammed, and there were people with carts full of stuff. We walked around for a bit, just checking out the merchandise, and what I saw didn't leave me impressed.

It's all low-end, throw-away stuff. Not bad if you want to buy cards or wrapping paper, light bulbs and such. But there is food there. Canned items, (most of it either discontinued or outdated) and people were snatching it up like mad.

Some of the other items like kitchenware and stuff looked good until you actually held onto it. Why by a shitty spatula 3 times for a dollar each when you can buy one that will last longer for about 4 bucks? I just don't see the logic.

It was the cartfulls of stuff that amazed me. I couldn't find one item that impressed me, (granted I wasn't looking very hard) and there were people with buggies filled to the brim.

The funny thing was that in talking to the staff at other stores in the mall, they said it's been busier for them since the Dollarama opened. (I guess saving that 3 dollars goes towards buying the latest Jeff Foxworthy DVD.)

To each their own, I guess.

Can anybody spare a Dollar?
I think I saw a Velvet Elvis Picture in there.... right next to the cinder block car jacks.


Song on My Mind - "Cigarette" By Jeremy Fisher.

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