Saturday, March 17, 2007

Kiss My Blarney

As much as I appreciate St Patrick's Day, I think it's a wasted holiday.

And I mean that literally.

The day is nothing more than an excuse for anyone to go out, drink too much, and act like a retard. (In a small way, I miss that aspect .) If you are Irish, go ahead and observe your day any way you want, but why does everyone else do it as well?

If you went out and asked a random drunk who St. Patrick was they would probably guess that he was an Irish bootlegger. I'm not even Catholic or Irish and that insults me.

But to each their own.

I think the next secular holiday is Cinco de Mayo.
Kegger, anyone?


Song on My Mind - "Kody" By Matchbox 20
Reading - "Danger Girl" Graphic Novel By J. Scott Campbell

1 comment:

  1. You know the only people who celebrate Cinqo de Mayo?

    Americans. Where they speak spanish, it's not a holiday. Go figure.
